English-language Master programs in Chemnitz

apartmentTU Chemnitz, Fakultät Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik von MINTsax.de placeChemnitz scheduleTeilzeit calendar_month 

Micro and Nano Systems

The Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at Chemnitz University of Technology offers a new international master’s program in Micro and Nano Systems

The program provides world-class, future-oriented education in design, manufacturing, characterization and integration of miniaturized components into engineering systems. The interdisciplinary courses cover fundamental theoretical knowledge in physics and engineering but also application-oriented skills in developing innovative products, in business administration and management.

Courses and practical training address current and prospective needs of industrial and academic research.

The program will give graduates the chance to approve research results and prototypes in our clean room facilities at the Center of Microtechnologies (ZfM) or in the laboratories at the Fraunhofer Research Institution for Electronic Nano Systems (ENAS) located at the University Campus.

Potential partners for collaborate research are major firms in Germany and abroad (e.g. Siemens, Bosch, Motorola) as well as start-up companies at the recently launched Smart Systems Campus here in C...

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Schlagworte: Information, Communication, Systems, Master, TU Chemnitz, Englisch, Elektrotechnik, manager, Elektroniker, Physik, Messtechnik, Electronics, Elektronik, Führungskraft, Servicetechniker, physics, IC, Electro, Werksleiter, Elektro.

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apartmentAlvio GmbHplaceWaldenburg (Landkreis Zwickau), 23 km von Chemnitz
und Englisch! We also speak English! Vorbim si Romana! Gerne können Sie auch spontan bei uns persönlich im Büro vorbeikommen: Unsere Öffnungszeiten: Montag ,Dienstag, Donnerstag 08:00 - 13:00 Uhr Mittwoch ,Freitag 08:00-17:00 Wir freuen uns auf Sie!...