Postdoctoral Position in Ecotoxicology

apartmentCarl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg placeOldenburg calendar_month 


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Info und Anleitung Info and instruction

The University of Oldenburg is seeking to fill the following position:



Working Hours

100% (suitable for part-time)


Working Group Environmental Biochemistry (Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment (ICBM), School V of Mathematics and Science)



Application Deadline
  1. 03.2025

First day of work

as soon as possible


up to 4 years

About us

One research focus of the Environmental Biochemistry Group is ecotoxicological studies on birds and corals. Studies on birds focus on an over 20 yearlong timeseries of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) such as PCBs, mercury, chlorobenzenes, DDT, and chlordane along the North Sea.

Your tasks

The successful candidate will contribute to our ongoing scientific efforts with a focus on the analyses of bird eggs to continue the over 20 yearlong timeseries of persistent organic pollutants (POPs). The candidate will be joining team members working on the ecotoxicology of corals, chemical and microbial ecologists, chemists and microbiologist at the ICBM in Wilhelmshaven.

The successful candidate will extract and analyze bird eggs from various locations along the North Sea. By applying and developing various GC-MS and LC-MS methods for the detection and quantification of various pollutants, the successful candidate will optimize current procedures.

In addition, the candidate could potentially support team members in the development of an ecotoxicological test for corals and/or studies on the ecological role of secondary metabolites from marine macro- and microorganisms. A current focus is the search for novel coral larvae settlement cues and investigations on the function of already known settlement cues in the tropical coral reef environment.

Your profile

We are seeking an advanced postdoctoral researcher to carry out ecotoxicological projects on birds for a period of up to 4 years. The highly motivated postdoctoral candidate should have a strong background and extensive experience in ecotoxicological studies, especially in running and maintaining high resolution gas chromatography - mass spectrometers.

Required Qualifications:

PhD in Chemistry, Biology, Marine Environmental Science or related field

Completed academic university degree (master or equivalent)

Extensive experience in running and maintaining analytical equipment such as gas-chromatography mass spectrometers (GC-MS)

Efficient self-organization and laboratory management skills

Experience in analytical methods (extractions of various matrixes/samples) for ecotoxicological studies using GC-MS and LC-MS

Excellent English speaking and writing/publication skills are essential

Candidate should be inquisitive and critical thinking, problem solving and team-leading

Additional Qualifications desirable:

Experience is ecotoxicological data processing and analyses

Strong background and experience in metabolomics and marine natural products research (i.e., extraction, dereplication, isolation (preparative HPLC), structure elucidation via MS, MS/MS and NMR)

Experience with metabolomic studies (i.e., targeted and untargeted metabolomics)

Our standards

The University of Oldenburg is dedicated to increase the percentage of female employees in the field of science. Therefore, female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply. In accordance to § 21 Section 3 NHG, female candidates with equal qualifications will be preferentially considered.

Applicants with disabilities will be given preference in case of equal qualification.

Further information

Additional information about the group can be found under .

Working place is the ICBM in Wilhelmshaven.

Please send your application via e-mail by 17.03.2025 to

peter.schupp [at]

We ask applicants to send a single PDF file containing their CV and letter of motivation as well as contact information of three references by e-mail (preferred) to Peter Schupp. Alternatively, the application could be sent by mail to Prof. Peter Schupp, ICBM, Postfach 2503, 26111 Oldenburg, Germany.

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  • Life Sciences - Sciences de la vie - Biowissenschaften
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