Doctoral candidate (PhD) (65%; d/f/m)
Technische Universität München- 04.2024, Wissenschaftliches Personal
The thesis is part of a greater project studying urban green space and soundscapes and how these relate to human health and wellbeing. Utilizing terrestrial mobile laser scanning (TLS) and automated recording units (ARUs), as well as advanced modeling techniques, this thesis will quantify songbird diversity indices and their relationship with greenspace structure and surrounding urban landscape.
The results of this work will contribute to tools and guidelines for creating multifunctional and biodiverse urban green spaces in Munich. As soon as possible; ideally June 2024 (part-time 65%, fixed-term for 3 years)
Project background:
Urban green spaces are critical for both biodiversity and human health. Sound and the urban soundscape can be indicators of biodiversity and environmental conditions and can have a profound impact on human health. Still, the relationship between urban features (green and grey structures) and biodiversity as well as soundscapes is understudied, as is how soundscapes impact the restorative power of urban nature.The aim of the CitySoundscapes project is to identify how the characteristics of urban soundscapes relate to the structural complexity of urban green spaces, sound-based biodiversity in urban green spaces and human health. We combine urban ecology, environmental psychology, acoustics research and urban planning to collectively provide information for the planning and management of urban green spaces in the city of Munich and beyond.
Through citizen engagement and stakeholder collaboration, we aim to promote biodiversity-based health interventions.
The research is funded by the Research Initiative for the Conservation of Biodiversity (FEdA),the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), who funds scientific projects to
analyze biodiversity in Germany and to develop and implement innovative, effective measures
to protect and improve biodiversity.
Die Stelle ist für die Besetzung mit schwerbehinderten Menschen geeignet. Schwerbehinderte Bewerberinnen und Bewerber werden bei ansonsten im wesentlichen gleicher Eignung, Befähigung und fachlicher Leistung bevorzugt eingestellt.
Hinweis zum Datenschutz:
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Kontakt: peter.annighoefer [at]
Mehr Information
CSC_phd_candidate CSC_phd_candidate, (Type: application/pdf, Größe: 149.2 kB) Datei speichern- Environment - Environnement - Umwelt
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